Air-core reactors can be divided into air-core shunt reactors, air-core series reactors, air-core current limiting reactors, and air-core filtering reactors according to their applications.
Product model and purpose:
BKGK- air-core shunt reactor is suitable for capacitor reactive power compensation of long-distance transmission lines, ensuring stable operation of power grid voltage.
CKGK- air-core series reactors are connected in series with a high-voltage parallel capacitor bank to suppress voltage waveform distortion in the power grid, control harmonic components flowing through the capacitor bank, and limit surge currents when the capacitor bank is put into the power grid.
XKGK- air-core current limiting reactor is suitable for series connection in system circuits to increase system impedance, limit short-circuit current in case of system failure, and reduce fault current to the allowable value.
LKGK- air-core filter reactors are connected in series with a parallel capacitor bank to form a resonant circuit, which resonates at a specified frequency point to filter out specified high-order harmonics. At the same time, it can achieve reactive power compensation in the power system and limit surge currents when the capacitor bank is put into the grid.